The Unauthorized Immigrant Population Expands amid Record U.S.-Mexico Border...
The U.S. unauthorized immigrant population stood at 13.7 million as of mid-2023. The result of strong U.S. economic recovery from the pandemic and displacement in Latin America, the increase in the...
View ArticleVenezuelan Immigrants in the United States
The Venezuelan immigrant population in the United States has grown quickly, amid a spiraling economic and political crisis in Venezuela that resulted in the exodus of millions of Venezuelans, most...
View ArticleInmigrantes venezolanos en Estados Unidos
La población de inmigrantes venezolanos en Estados Unidos ha crecido rápidamente en los últimos años, en medio de la creciente crisis económica y política en Venezuela. Aproximadamente la mitad de los...
View ArticleNorway: Rising Immigration in a Welfare State
Norway has transformed from a historically homogeneous society to one where one-fifth of residents are immigrants or the children of immigrants. Economic opportunities, a strong welfare state, and...
View ArticlePolicy Paradox: How Robust Host-Country Support for Ukrainian Refugees Can...
European governments hosting Ukrainian refugees have an opportunity to craft policies that deepen local inclusion while also fortifying Ukrainians if they seek to return home. By prioritizing...
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